Acupuncture is a holistic therapy that that can be traced back at least 2,500 years. The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of flow of energy in the body that are essential for health. It involves stimulation of acupuncture points by thin, solid, metallic needles, which are manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation.
As per traditional Chinese theory, it is believed human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by energy pathways or meridians. These meridians maintain the energy flow (Qi, pronounced “Chee”) that is responsible for overall health. If the energy flow is disrupted, it leads to one or other kind of disease or illness. And hence, acupuncturist apply acupuncture to certain points, it is thought to improve the flow of Qi, thereby improving your overall health.
Many doctors are nowadays advising acupuncture as complementary therapy in many diseases like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer and so on. There are acupuncture clinics specialize in providing treatment like Cancer care Rochester NY and multiple sclerosis treatment Rochester NY
Acupuncture cannot be a sole treatment, but it can help in reducing pain and other symptoms associated with a disease. It has shown to be an effective for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in adults after surgery or taking chemotherapy and post-operative dental pain.
There is research to support the use of acupuncture as a complementary therapy for Cancer care Rochester NY to address the nausea, pain, and emotional toll caused during cancer treatment. It also has significant role in post-operative pain control, and in aiding and hastening recovery from the side effects of the various therapies. The role of acupuncture in general pain control is widely known. However, it si less known of its success in cancer related pain and in narcotic use and minimizing side effects confusion, disturbed mentation, behavioural changes, nausea and constipation.
Acupuncture for multiple sclerosis treatment Rochester NY may provide relief some relief for patients with multiple sclerosis in minimising the pain and other symptoms such as numbness and tingling, bladder problems, and depression. However, here is no evidence that acupuncture can minimize the frequency of MS exacerbations or slow the progression of disability
There has been researches and key findings that acupuncture has a clinically relevant effect compared with no acupuncture control. However, the role of acupuncturist is crucial in the effectiveness and the quality of treatment.
When you are looking for acupuncturist, especially for chronic diseases like, it is recommended to discuss it with your doctor first and find a practitioner who is licensed and is having proper training and credentials. Acupuncture if applied in a right way by a trained practitioner can help in speedy recovery and improved quality of life in the patients suffering from chronic diseases.