Ever wondered why there’s this new term Baby Friendly Cakes, when this was never mentioned earlier in the 80s? As society progresses, so does the rise of genetically modified foods with science and technology advances. People are also becoming more aware of what causes allergies and foods that are actually not digestible by young children. These often include sugar, honey, chocolate, nuts, eggs and wheat which are the most common allergies in young children.
Furthermore, the World Health Organisation recommends that children under the age of two consume NO ADDED SUGAR, hence parents should consider a baby smash cake or first birthday cake that are baby friendly and baby safe for their little ones. The cake off a regular cake shop might contain too much added sugars that causes a child to suffer from a sugar high leading to hormonal imbalances later on.
For this, Delcie’s Desserts, an esteemed healthy baker and mum herself, Delcie ensures she bakes with no added sugar and ensures she uses organic, high quality natural ingredients and keeps her bakes sugar free and vegan. Hence whatever your definition of a baby safe cake,sugar-free, oil-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, fruit-filled, dairy free, egg free, honey free and chocolate free etc which can be harmful to the less developed digestive system of young babies, Delcie’s Desserts has you covered.
The bakery has also won for two consecutive years in a row “Best Baby Friendly Cakes” by Parents World Magazine: Best Baby Friendly Cakes Award 2019 & 2020, through a unanimous vote by panelists including food nutritionists, parents and doctors, thus giving parents further assurance.
Popular cake choices include best selling Red Forest, Blue Forest, Wholemeal Carrot Muffins and Banana Vanilla. These are also fully customizable to include fondant figurines made from organic natural coloring or any designs to parent’s heart desires. The attentionto details expands to a fully customisable range on designs, and Delcie even takes it a not chhigher by allowing customization to fit any specific allergies or diet.
With this customisable baby friendly cake, that is totally baby safe, busy mummies will find Delcie’s healthy cakes readily accessible to everyone easily. The bakery now retails online through their website at https://delcies.com/ and even with key eCommerce partners like Redmart and popular food apps.