Gluten is a protein in cereals such as wheat, barley, and rye. A person with gluten intolerance or sensitivity may experience pain and bloating after eating foods that contain gluten. If you are wondering if gluten could be to blame for your bloating, stomach issues and increasing headaches, you are not alone. As food becomes more genetically modified and processed today, sensitivity to gluten is not all that uncommon.
However medically, the diagnosis is rather tricky: just because you have an intolerance to gluten does not mean you will end up being allergic to wheat or diagnosed with Celiac, and it is possible to be allergic to wheat without being sensitive to gluten.
For those that have confirmed a sensitivity to gluten and worried that you will miss out on your favorite foods like bread, pasta, cakes and cookies, fret not. At Delcie’s Desserts and Cakes, Sensitive Chef Delcie has successfully developed a variety of products that are gluten free through ingredient replacement. By replacing all animal products with vegan, organic, high quality natural ingredients and tweaking recipes proportions, Delcie has successfully pushed through this healthy cake revolution 11 years ago. So much so that these days her bakes are able to be 100% customisable to any sensitive diet requests and totally void of egg, saturated fats, sugar free desserts, dairy free or even multiple allergic conditions including nut and gluten allergies.
Her bakes are 100% low fat, sugar free and even recognized from 2011 as a “Healthier Bakery” by Health Promotion Board in Singapore. They are also ranked one of the “Top 16 Vegan Bakeries” in the world by OneGreenPlanet organization.
To date, Delcie’s Desserts has amassed a cult following amongst the health conscious and those with special dietary requirements with her gluten free cakes that are literally guilt free!
Sensitive Chef Delcie has made it her mission to make healthy gluten free cakes and sugar free cakes accessible to everyone, readily and easily. The bakery now retails online through their website at and even with key ecommerce partners like Redmart and popular food apps.