Untreated animal bites can be harmful, as bacteria can enter the wound and cause infection. A person can avoid infection from an animal bite in some cases. Early care, such as cleansing the wound, applying antibiotic creams, and changing bandages on a regular basis, can help avoid infection. Bites that do not cause skin breakdown will not become infected. Bite wounds that create a tiny scrape or scratch pose little danger of infection. If the bite makes a cut, the individual is more likely to get an infection. The largest risk of infection is usually with a puncture wound, which is frequent after a cat bite. However, anyone who has been bitten by any animal should get vaccinated against tetanus if they are not already protected. If there is a mild animal bite or claw wound, such as one that simply tears the skin,
- Soap and water should be used to completely clean the wound.
- Cover the bite with a clean bandage and apply an antibiotic cream or ointment.
It is advised to seek medical attention for Animal Bite Care in Lufkin from a primary care provider or urgent care centre right away under the given conditions.
- If the wound is a deep puncture or if you’re unsure how dangerous it is.
- If the skin is severely torn, crushed, or bleeding profusely, apply pressure with a bandage or clean cloth to stop the bleeding.
- If there is increased swelling, redness, pain, or oozing, all of which are indicators of infection,
If the bite was caused by a wild animal, consult your doctor for information on which animals are most likely to carry rabies. Bats frequently carry rabies and can infect humans without leaving visible bite marks. It is the reason why experts recommend anyone who comes into contact with bats—or even those who sleep and awaken to find a bat in their bedroom—seek medical counsel regarding rabies injections, even if they don’t believe they’ve been bitten.
If you are looking for animal bite care in Lufkin, Hope Quick Care provides immediate care offered by a trained and skilled physician and other staff. It caters to walk-in patients who do not need the level of care provided by a hospital emergency room. They also provide a wide range of medical counselling by a professional doctor and therapist. It also provides treatment for a range of illnesses and conditions such as burns and cuts, allergic reactions and asthma, rashes and itching, diarrhoea and animal bite care in Lufkin, and more. They also provide Laboratory Test Services, so their patients immediately get the tests and results they need at a lower cost than going to other locations for lab results.
Hope Quick Care is located at 2109 E. Denman Avenue, Lufkin TX is here to take care of all your urgent medical needs and also be your primary care provider.
Our official website is www.hopequickcare.com and our phone no. is 936-299-4138.