Migraine is a common neurological disorder that causes moderate to severe pain. It is the third most prevalent disease worldwide out of all medical conditions. It is typically treated by various medications or non pharmaco therapy to relieve pain or prevent attacks. These drugs usually have limited efficacy in relieving headache or reducing the frequency of attacks. Patients often use preventive medications to decrease the frequency and severity of the migraine attacks. However, some patients have side effects from medications, while other may not find medications are not helpful. There is also evidence that frequent use of certain medications also leads to fatigue, sleep interference, gastrointestinal effects, weight gain, and medication overuse headaches.
It is the reason why people are now turning towards complementary pain management Rochester NY like acupuncture as an alternative treatment. It is an age old Chinese therapy based on ancient medicine principles. Natural therapies have minimum side effects and helps in improving the overall quality of life of a patient.
Acupuncture is an age old Chinese technique based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory in which very thin needles inserted into the skin in specific parts of the body called acupuncture points. As per acupuncture therapy, there is a vital energy called QI flowing through the meridians in our body. If the energy is disturbed or blocked, it causes illness, pains, inflammation and other such diseases and symptoms.
Acupuncture therapy focuses on releasing the energy and bringing the body back into balance by placing needles into the points. Acupuncture is nowadays used to treat a variety of diseases and popularly used for treatment of pain and pain management Rochester NY. It is popularly used as complimentary treatment for arthritis. There is a minimal risk involved in the acupuncture therapy which may include bleeding, infection or bruising. However, when you take acupuncture from an expert therapist, there is a least risks and high success rate in relieving pain and improving the quality of life of a patient.
Acupuncture reduces the days with migraines and it usually have long lasting effects. A patient usually has to take six to eight sessions and sometimes more or less sessions to get relief in migraine attacks. Acupuncture migraine Treatment Syracuse NY tends to reduce the frequency and intensity of the migraine attacks. It is also taken a preventive measures to avoid migraine pain. The researches have shown that safety profile of the acupuncture therapy is excellent, with a few adverse events performed by a trained practitioner.
It is important to find a licensed and reputed acupuncturist for migraine treatment Syracuse NY. One must ask friends or relatives to find the best therapist in your city. You can also search online to find the well-known and knowledgeable therapists. You should go through their reviews and rates to find the best therapists in the industry.