Acupuncture is a holistic therapy nowadays used for treating various diseases. It is a traditional Chinese medicine based on theory that the root cause of all problems is the imbalance of the vital energy force of the body called chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. And hence, very thin layers are inserted into specific points along these meridians by trained acupuncture practitioners to make energy flow will re-balance. It is used for treatment of various diseases. However, it is particularly known for effective treatment for pain management. There are many reputed pain management Syracuse clinics specializing in providing acupuncture pain treatment for various diseases. It is mainly used for treating discomfort associated with diseases.
There are many studies that have shown the effectiveness of acupuncture specially in treating chronic pain such as back and neck pain; osteoarthritis/knee pain; and headache. Study shows that it helps in reducing the frequency and the intensity of pain in migraines and even help in preventing migraines.
Acupuncture is a holistic treatment, however, there are few risks involved in the process. However, these risks are very low if you are getting treatment by a competent, certified acupuncture practitioner using sterile needles. Some of the common side effects include soreness and minor bleeding or bruising where the needles were inserted. However, nowadays acupuncture practitioners use single-use, disposable needles, so the risk of infection is minimal. However, not everyone is a good candidate for acupuncture. If you have a bleeding disorder or you use pacemaker or you are pregnant, it is recommended to avoid acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture is beneficial for a person many ways. It not only helps in providing quick relief find, build and host immunity, improve nerve and organ functions, enhance musculoskeletal system mobility and enhance quality of life and quality of healthcare. When you are looking for a reputed acupuncture pain management Rochester NY clinic, they provide personalized pain management services. During personalized pain management services, acupuncturist focuses on treating the root of pain for complete relief. It provides long term relief to the patients. Acupuncture pain management Syracuse clinics provide personalized medical acupuncture care for all types of arthritis and pain, spinal disorders, headaches, migraine headaches, neuralgia, nerve disorders, neuropathy, pre- and post-surgery pain and numbness, brain disorders, neuromuscular disorders, cancer care, autoimmune disorders, and more. When you are looking for acupuncture treatment, it is good to ask for evaluation and consultation appointment before you make decision for personalized acupuncture treatment. When you take acupuncture treatment under the supervision of trained and experienced pain management Rochester NY acupuncturist, it tends to bring positive results in terms of reducing pains, boosting immunity and enhancing overall quality of life.