Acupuncture therapy is popularly used for pain management in various conditions such as arthritis, migraine and so on. Acupuncture relive pain by stimulating your body’s own pain-relieving hormones. Such pain relief can last a short time when you begin treatment, but when you take repeated treatment (usually weekly for six or eight sessions), it brings long term benefits.
Acupuncture is nowadays seen as viable option than NSAIDS pain killers and prophylactic therapy common used in western medicine. Acupuncture therapy as a whole has certainly gained a great deal of popularity in Rochester and other parts of the country. It has now emerging as popular therapy which incorporates a unique blend of physical assessment and acupuncture on various parts of body. There are many good clinics in Rochester providing acupuncture therapy by experts for treating varied kinds of diseases and illnesses.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Rochester NY
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) often cause inflammation in the joints or upper neck and eventually there is pain in the joints. It usually cause swelling, and pain in and around the joints and other body organs. Some of the common symptoms include stiff joints, especially upon getting up in the mornings. Most of the experts recommend everything from losing weight to low impact exercises to over-the-counter and prescription medication and injections of cortisone in the joints, depending on the condition of the patient to ease the discomfort. Acupuncture has proven to be effective in pain relief in arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis Rochester NY clinics provide holistic solutions to overcome arthritis pain as well as improve the quality of life of a patient using traditional Chinese therapies and other natural therapies. It has found to be effective in reducing inflammation by stimulating the body’s pituitary gland to release cortisol, a hormone effective in reducing inflammation.
Headache Treatment Syracuse NY
Migraine headaches can be genetic or triggered by food allergies like MSG additives. It can also be triggered by sleep irregularities, hormonal imbalance and stress / anxiety. Most people look for some form of pharmacological medication in the allopathic model to deal with headaches. While pharmacological medications works on suppressing pain, acupuncture is focused on bringing back the metabolic balances in the body. An acupuncturist first evaluate patient based on their case history to determine the particular pattern the patient was in. Depending on the patient’s age and how long the symptoms were present, there is a positive change in a patient after few months. Most good clinics have a team of doctors trained in using Acupuncture and headache treatment Syracuse NY.
The clinical outcome of acupuncture in treatment of arthritis and headache has seen promising results. Based on the clinical trials, the World Health Organization has regarded acupuncture effective for treating for many conditions. It is recommended to look for reputed clinics having expert staff and years of experience in the industry to get quality therapy solutions.