Neuropathic pain is often described by patient as burning pain, many times, it goes away on its own. Sometimes, the pain is severe and constantly come and goes. Nerve damage or of any kind of malfunctioning in nerves can cause neuropathic pain.
There are no obvious causes of neuropathic pain, but some of the causes of it are alcoholism, chemotherapy, facial nerve problems, multiple myeloma, multiple sclerosis, nerve or spinal cord compression, HIV infection. Acupuncture has emerged as great alternative therapy for neuropathy treatment. There are leading acupuncturist specialising in Neuropathy Treatment Syracuse NY using age old holistic therapies and acupuncture is one of them. It is said that acupuncture is effective in reliving chronic pain. A study has shown that acupuncture as an alternative treatment improved symptoms for more neuropathic patients than those receiving traditional medical care. Everything from headaches to seizures, strokes to Alzheimer’s disease, and a whole lot of stuff in between fall under the category of neurological disorders. It works with the nervous system to regenerate cells and promote healing. From a scientific perspective, acupuncture moves the energy flow of the body, stimulates blood flow and increase cellular level oxygen.
Acupuncture is used as effective pain treatment to deal with various kinds of pain such as back pain, joint pain, neck pain, and headache. There are many studies been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture and there has been promising findings in many clinical studies. It has been found to be an effective treatment for pain management Rochester NY in some conditions, such as chronic low-back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee; however, the additional research is still needed for other conditions. However, acupuncture is widely supported as complementary holistic therapy and is generally considered safe when performed correctly. Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese therapy and it works on maintaining the flow of “chi” (vital energy) through the body.
In case of severe neuropathic pain, many people take over the counter medicines like acetaminophen or no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, including aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen). There are also strong medicines available by prescription only. However, many people nowadays are looking for non-drug treatment through holistic and natural Neuropathy treatment Syracuse NY therapies to help relieve their pain such as acupuncture, occupational therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, self-care techniques, and CAM therapies
Acupuncture is often considered as safe and effective if it is provided in the hands of a well-trained practitioner for pain Management Rochester NY. Many other believes that acupuncture is effective only as the support or adjunct to other medical treatment forms in many medical and surgical disorders. Acupuncture has also been recognized by WHO for the treatment of a wide range of medical problems. When you are facing neuropathic pain, acupuncture can help you in getting some pain relief as well improving the overall quality of life.