The demand of Double Enveloping Worm Gear Set has increased tremendously. But experts say that we should choose a reliable supplier for maximum efficiency.
While designing gear set some of the vital considerations that are taken into account are the load capability, longevity, and size of the envelope along with the cost. But most of the times accounting for this gearbox efficiency loss are forgotten while designing. These losses are because of several factors like gear set losses, lubrication, seals and bearings.
Let’s Have a Brief Discussion on these Factors:
- Gear Set Fatalities: based on the gear set type, the efficiency loss can have either a significant impact or minor impact. Spur and bevel gears have efficiency loss ranging from 0.5-3%. Face gears may get losses of up to 5%.
- Then come the hypoids and planetoids that lose efficiency by 2-10%. Some of the gear sets that high experience losses are crossed helical accounting for 5-50%. Then comes the Double Enveloping Worm Gear Set that experience about 2%-50% losses. While buying the gearbox from suppliers consider those factors. A Double Enveloping Worm Suppliers must check all factors responsible for efficiency loss.
- Loss Because of Seal: Seals are usually used for preventing the lubrication from gearbox internal part and also helps in keeping the interiors protected from outside things. The static seals have very less effect on the efficiency of the gearbox. The dynamic seal has some impact because they come in contact with the rotating member that is the shaft. Effectiveness is decreased because of heat as well as friction.
- Losses Because of Bearing: Bearings usually comes in varied shapes and styles among which the most effective is the roller type bearings without seals. Various seals can be added to a roller bearing, and by so some amount of drag is added which again lowers the efficiency of the gearbox. It mainly depends on the viscosity level of the grease.
- Lubrication: Either grease or oil is used for lubrication of gear set. There are several varieties of grease present with qualities like high and low temperature, corrosion protection, high pressure, etc. One factor that affects the efficiency is the lubricant viscosity. More the thickness less efficient the gearbox and vice versa. The amount of lubrication also affects productivity. When lubrication is more, it causes a churning action thereby causing more heat.
Going for a large motor can help in coping with the efficiency loss; however, it also raises the total cost. So, it all depends on the process of designing. When a large and high capacity gearbox is made the efficiency, loss is usually in negligible amount. Therefore, it is essential to test several parameters. Variables should be taken into consideration while designing the gearbox.